I initially bought this domain six months or so ago with the intention to use it as a test bed for various “PHP”:https://www.php.net/ programming experiments that occassionally infiltrate my brain, but real life intervened and I never got around to fleshing out the site. I’ve haphazardly looked at one blogging software or another whenever the mood struck me, but just never got around to going beyond the ‘install on local server and check out the default setup’ phase. Until now, that is…
Just recently, I started looking at several other pieces of blogging software yet again – who knows, maybe this time I’d actually set something up outside of my home lab! I took a look at “Movable Type”:https://www.moveabletype.org, but even though it’s very well received, I just couldn’t seem to get myself to use a piece of software written in a language that’s as alien to me as Russian…
Checked out “b2”:https://cafelog.com/, and yes, written in PHP, but it didn’t look like anything was being done with the software as far as updates, and abandonware is just not my thing…
Then noticed “WordPress”:https://www.wordpress.org was picking up where b2 left off, and messed with it for several days, seemed like I might have found a potential match. But then…
I had noticed “Dean Allen’s”:https://www.textism.com/ “Textpattern”:https://www.textpattern.com/ many moons ago. Even grabbed a copy of it when it was in beta and did the local server thing. Looked promising, but thought I’d wait until Dean put a more finished product out before I could commit to using it. And then he goes off and rewrites the whole thing from scratch over several months (not complaining at all if you ever read this Dean – it’s working beautifully and was well worth the wait). Forgot all about it until one day it pops up again all over several feeds I follow. Time for another look – and lo and behold, it looks like we have ourselves a winner!
So here we have it, “marginal ideas”:https://marginalideas.com/ is finally getting a little content. Normally it’d be some time before I’d set this thing out to the world since I’m way too much a perfectionist for my own good, but I’ve got to break that habit and just do (or it’d be _another_ six months before anything would be here). So this thing’s going live right now, and I’ll worry about getting the look ‘just right’ as I go along.