2yo Holidays POTD

[POTD] Halloween Pumpkin: The Operation Continues

The Operation Continues
Toby and his foot get into the action…

2yo Holidays POTD

[POTD] Halloween Pumpkin: The Operation Begins

The Operation Begins
The pumpkin suffers it’s first cut…

2yo Holidays POTD

[POTD] Halloween Pumpkin: BD

Halloween Pumpkin: Before Daddy
The Halloween pumpkin — Before Daddy got ahold of it… 😉

[yes, I know it’s been a bit… 😛]

2yo Holidays music POTD

POTD: We Be Jammin’…

We Be Jammin'...
Gettin’ down with the old (to Toby & his cousin, anyway) folks… 😉

1yo Holidays POTD

POTD: Oelkers Family XMas 2005

Two of them ended up pretty good, so I’ll share ’em both…

Oelkers Family XMas 2005 - Try #1

The Oelkers Family Portrait, XMas 2005, Take 1

Oelkers Family Portrait XMas 2005 #2

A second take – this time, Toby notices the camera, and Lori doesn’t look like she’s about to scream… 😉