Toby bein’ Toby in Estherville for the Omundson Family Reunion ’09…
More random stumbling.
I just came across a site about to offer up these great CDs of modern music, transformed into lullabies. The Pixies & Radiohead, maybe even the Floyd, are personally especially tempting, even if we don’t listen to many lullabies anymore!
[OK, Dad would probably listen to these whether Toby was going to sleep or not… ;)]
Laughing about something I stumbled across, and I just had to share…
Even being as overprotective as we probably (ok, almost certainly) are with our little guy, I’d never consider putting something like this on him:
Call me crazy, but isn’t one of the ways we learn to, for instance, not bump our head into things is by, oh, I don’t know, maybe experiencing a little pain from doing so?
If you’ve got things in his environment dangerous enough that he needs this, you probably need a new environment, not a padded helmet for your child!
Well, the background color sure ain’t all that pretty (just getting it working right now; I’ll worry about asthetics later – probably much later knowing me!), but at least the layout of the site shouldn’t have huge gaps for those of you using Internet Explorer like it did before…