
POTD: Not So Bad, Dad

For whatever reason, Toby *really* disliked sitting in grass until
when this picture was taken. I’m guessing his skin’s probably way to
sensitive for the blades, but this day, he had a good ol’ time feeling
the grass (and crawling all over in it)…

Not So Bad, Dad

Guess This Is Not So Bad, Dad…


POTD: Dusting Off The Oldies

Dusting Off The Oldies

Here’s Toby checking out mom & dad’s music collection (at least the stuff he can reach). And to think, one day, some of this will be playing on oldies radio!


POTD: First Haircut

Marginally related to yesterdays post:

Toby & Dad Get a Haircut

Toby (& Dad) about to get a haircut

Note That Look of Concern!

Note that look of concern on his face! 😉

Not Sure If I Like This Dad

Not sure if I like this Dad…

Personally, I liked the long hair. But we decided to get it cut because it was beginning to annoy him, always somehow ending up in his ears (and convincing the Grandmas that he had an ear infection, of course!).

In the end, he did just fine – not even a whimper.


POTD: Mullet

The Mullet Wanna-Be

The Mullet Wanna-Be


POTD: Too Much?

Too Much? Never!

Too much? Never!

And, if you happen to have a broadband connection (or are patient!), how about a little 30-second video [1.5mb WMV] of some of the work he went thru to get into this state? 😉