2yo POTD

POTD: Bubbles!

Enjoying Mom’s bubble shower…

The off-camera bubble blower has a trigger that’s just barely too tight for him. Needless to say, Toby throws a fit doesn’t enjoy himself when he tries to play with it. Mom, on the other hand, apparently does… 😉

2yo POTD

POTD: “Reading”

Watching his mannerisms as he “reads” is just too cute – apparently he’s paying attention when he sees Mom or Dad with a book!

2yo POTD

POTD: Big Yellow Ball

My Big Yellow Ball
Toby’s awfully fond of his $2.50 giant yellow ball!

2yo POTD

POTD: ‘What is that, Uncle Ryan?’

What is That, Uncle Ryan?
Prying Uncle Ryan for info at the edge of Lake Okiboji…

2yo POTD

POTD: Toby Explains to Uncle Ryan

Toby Explains to Uncle Ryan
Toby explains everything he knows about the firepit to a captivated Uncle Ryan… 🙂