2yo Holidays POTD

POTD: Santa? No, Not a Favorite

Santa? No, Not a Favorite
Toby hasn’t yet developed much of an affinity for the jolly rotund bearded man in red… 😉

2yo Holidays POTD

POTD: Mom Helps

Mom Helps
Mom tries to give Toby a hand with some decorating…

2yo Holidays POTD

POTD: A Blair Witch Xmas

Blair Witch Xmas
For whatever reason, the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this one was the final scene of the Blair Witch Project… 😉

2yo POTD Toys

POTD: Parking the Cars

Parking the Cars
Toby tries to park a few cars in the Lincoln Log garage…

2yo Holidays POTD

[POTD] Halloween Pumpkin: The Operation Continues

The Operation Continues
Toby and his foot get into the action…