1yo Holidays POTD

POTD: Grandpa The Red Antlered Reindeer

Getting Away From Goofy Grandpa O

OK, so I’m reaching on that title… 😉

Goofy (or should I say Rudolph?) Grandpa

Toby making a break for it…

1yo Holidays POTD

POTD: Goofy Grin

Screwy Face Before Santa Claus

Despite the previous pic, he at least had a good time being goofy while waiting in line to see Santa!

1yo Holidays POTD

POTD: Scary Santa

Apparently this wasn’t the year to like Santa… 😉

Let Go Of Me Fat Man!

Let go of me fat man!

1yo Food Holidays POTD

POTD: Spoils

How about a few more from Halloween?

Spoils of Halloween

Sucker, with Costume…

Same Spoils, Just a Little Later...

Sucker, without costume…

I was sure that sucker would end up stuck in Grandma’s carpet, but he amazingly kept track of it for a long time!

1yo Holidays POTD

POTD: Scary Cousins

Scary Cousins!

Posing with his ‘scary’ cousins Halloween eve…