Miscellaneous POTD

no gallery, but some more pics

Well, I tried, but apparently I’m just not alert enough to figure out how to set up the promised gallery right now. But so you’re not all waiting, here’s a few more pictures taken at various times over the last week or so. Click on the images for larger versions!

First, a few with Mom:

Toby & Mom

Toby & Mom

Toby & Mom

And then a few with Dad:

Toby & Dad

Toby & Dad

Toby & Dad

And finally, who’s that peeking? 🙂

Toby Peeking

Toby Peeking

Toby Peeking

5 replies on “no gallery, but some more pics”

Hi Lynn and Sean and Toby:
What a little sweetheart, he is so adorable.
You both look like you are a old hand at this baby stuff.
Thanks for the updates, we love it!!!!!

Thank you Lynn & Sean for the beautifull pictures and update of baby Toby. We love all Faltin’s Mom and Dad.

Toby is beautiful! What a little angel! Thanks for all the pics and the updates! So glad to hear that you are all doing well.
Love, Lori

Hi Guys-

Congratulations on that little bundle of joy. He looks pretty darn alert for everything he has gone through. Too cute with him holding the pacifier just like he knows what he is doing. Enjoy this time because I can tell you from experience they grow too fast. I love the updates and the pictures. Keep em rollin!


Such a beautiful gift from God. Thanks for the great updates. Tell Toby we cant wait to see him this summer, as fast as he’s progressing he should be walking by then. Hey Toby what’s your secret on getting that hair to come in so thick and Dark???? I’d love to know. Much love to you all. Keep the updates coming. Love The Omundson’s

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