4yo Holidays POTD

Pumpkin Carvin’ Wear

Pumpkin Carving Wear

All dressed up, ready to mangle a pumpkin or two… 🙂

4yo POTD school

First Day of School

Toby's First Day of School

I still don’t quite understand how it’s possible that the little baby we brought home just a short while can be going to school already. Even if it’s just preschool.

Nevertheless, here’s proof!

3yo POTD Winter

First Snowman

First Snowman

Now that our long, cold, snowy winter is winding down, I can admit that the weather provided a few good times as well. Here, Toby & Dad pose with Toby’s first snowman — an especially rare alien-rabbit hybrid one at that!

3yo POTD

POTY: Making Up Myself

Making Up Myself

Hey, I remember this site… 😉 Maybe it’s time to post a few!

3yo POTD

I Wear My Sunglasses at Night in the Tub

Malti #3
So he may be just a little weird… aren’t all three year olds?