
visitors galore & wanderings

16 days?

Sheesh, sorry about that, sixteen days without an update. Horribly inconsiderate of me. In my defense, we’ve had our share of visitors keeping us occupied!

Great Aunt Sharon

First off, my aunt Sharon came up to look in on the little guy (and us too)…

Toby and Great Aunt Sharon

Toby and Great Aunt Sharon check out his new blankie

Aunt Lori

Then my sister Lori shows up in town and holds him for, oh, three days straight! (Beware Mitch!) šŸ˜‰

Lori and Toby - one of many

Lori and Toby - one of many

Lori and Toby - one of many

Lori and Toby - one of many

Lori and Toby - one of many


Sunday the 9th we loaded him up for his first official non-doctor-related outing, and headed off to Dodge and Grandma & Grandpa Faltin’s place for way too much food. While there, we had some cake & ice cream to celebrate Lynn & Grandpa F’s birthdays.

Again, he was held all day, by a variety of people – Great Aunt Sharon, Grandpa & Grandma Oelkers made an appearance as well, so there was no shortage of Toby-holders.

And finally, the nieces got to see their new nephew up close and personal. Though I’m not too sure if niece Cameron appreciated all the attention he received!

It was good to get everyone out and about finally; we were starting to get a little cabin fever!

Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron check out Toby

Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron check out Toby

Mom watching Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron checking out Toby

Aunt Lynette with Nieces Ashley & Taylor

Taylor, Lynette and Toby


Needless to say, all this holding is spoiling our little Toby – he now seems to think he needs to be held constantly (ok, slight exaggeration)! Of course, we’re more than willing to oblige him – for now! šŸ˜‰

New Look

And in case you didn’t notice (blind, are we?), the new look for is now live. It was just a little too plain before for my tastes. Let me know if anything goes screwy for you and I’ll see if I can fix it!


adjusted age: zero

Well, if everything would have went exactly as planned (and what _ever_ does?), today would have been Toby’s birthday. Per the hospital’s parlance, that makes his “adjusted age”: zero today. The free ride’s over kiddo, time to act like a newborn! šŸ˜‰

Some vital stats for our ‘newborn’:
* Weight: 8lbs and change (almost a pound gained this week!)
* Height: 18+ inches
* Hair color: black
* Eye color: blue (“for now”:

So, how about a few recent pics to tide you all over?

h3. First Family Picture

(Yeah, I know, I need a haircut – it’s been taken care of!)

!/images/35t.jpg (Mom, Dad & Toby)!:/images/35.jpg

h3. His latest chewtoy – Dad!

For whatever reason, he seems to enjoy chewing on Dad. Which is fine with me, ’cause it’s so damn cute! šŸ™‚

!/images/32t.jpg (Toby uses Dad as a pacifier)!:/images/32.jpg

!/images/33t.jpg (Toby uses Dad as a pacifier)!:/images/33.jpg

h3. Oh, look at all the pretty colors!

He’s also paying more attention to the world around him, seriously checking out anything brightly colored or contrasted around him. Again, damn cute! šŸ™‚

!/images/50t.jpg (Look at all those colors)!:/images/50.jpg

!/images/51t.jpg (Look at all those colors)!:/images/51.jpg

!/images/52t.jpg (I can fit that in my mouth, I know it)!:/images/52.jpg

!/images/40t.jpg (Mom and Toby read some Seuss)!:/images/40.jpg

h3. Just hangin’ out

Of course, he’s still a big fan of his baths…

!/images/53t.jpg (Relaxing in the bathtub)!:/images/53.jpg

and snuggling with Mom…

!/images/42t.jpg (Mom and Toby cuddling)!:/images/42.jpg

or just staring off into space!

!/images/41t.jpg (Mom and Toby spacing out)!:/images/41.jpg

h3. In Retrospect

While the last ten weeks have been at various times stressful as can be, I wouldn’t trade the time together for anything!


visitors galore & wanderings

h3. 16 days?

Sheesh, sorry about that, sixteen days without an update. Horribly inconsiderate of me. In my defense, we’ve had our share of visitors keeping us occupied!

h3. Great Aunt Sharon

First off, my aunt Sharon came up to look in on the little guy (and us too)…

!/images/44t.jpg (Toby and Great Aunt Sharon)!:/images/44.jpg

!/images/43t.jpg (Toby and Great Aunt Sharon check out his new blankie)!:/images/43.jpg

h3. Aunt Lori

Then my sister Lori shows up in town and holds him for, oh, three days straight! (Beware Mitch!) šŸ˜‰

!/images/49t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/49.jpg

!/images/48t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/48.jpg

!/images/47t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/47.jpg

!/images/46.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!

!/images/45t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/45.jpg

h3. Roadtrip

Sunday the 9th we loaded him up for his first official non-doctor-related outing, and headed off to Dodge and Grandma & Grandpa Faltin’s place for way too much food. While there, we had some cake & ice cream to celebrate Lynn & Grandpa F’s birthdays.

Again, he was held all day, by a variety of people – Great Aunt Sharon, Grandpa & Grandma Oelkers made an appearance as well, so there was no shortage of Toby-holders.

And finally, the nieces got to see their new nephew up close and personal. Though I’m not too sure if niece Cameron appreciated all the attention he received!

It was good to get everyone out and about finally; we were starting to get a little cabin fever!

!/images/36t.jpg (Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron check out Toby)!:/images/36.jpg

!/images/37t.jpg (Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron check out Toby)!:/images/37.jpg

!/images/38t.jpg (Mom watching Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron checking out Toby)!:/images/38.jpg

!/images/39t.jpg (Aunt Lynette with Nieces Ashley & Taylor)!:/images/39.jpg

!/images/54t.jpg (Taylor, Lynette and Toby)!:/images/54.jpg

h3. Spoiled

Needless to say, all this holding is spoiling our little Toby – he now seems to think he needs to be held constantly (_ok, slight exaggeration_)! Of course, we’re more than willing to oblige him – for now! šŸ˜‰

h3. New Look

And in case you didn’t notice (blind, are we?), the new look for “”: is now live. It was just a little too plain before for my tastes. Let me know if anything goes screwy for you and I’ll see if I can fix it!

Miscellaneous POTD

one hundred k and change

Twelve Days and Counting

Thatā€™s how long our little guy has been with us here at home, and I would say weā€™ve adjusted pretty well so far! Weā€™re all getting a reasonable amount of sleep, heā€™s eating his share (if not more than his share), no major (or, for that matter, few minor) disasters to speak of.

To The Doctors

Tuesday he had his first visit with Dr. Green, and showed off his eating skills with another milestone weight report – weā€™re now in possession of a six-pounder. Dr. Green did more anxiety alleviation with Mom and reassured her that formula was going to work just fine for him and not even think twice about it. So we wonā€™t! Dr. Green did a full checkout on the little guy, and so we get Clean Bill of Health #1ā€¦

Thursday it was off to Omaha for two doctor appointments. Grandma O joined us on our journey, which made it possible for us to finally get Lynnā€™s Saturn out of the Methodist Hospital parking lot and back to West Point where it belonged.

Stop number one: Dr. Arkfeld, his ZZ-Top-bearded eye doctor. An extremely nice, extremely good doctor whose appearance makes you do a double take – dressed to the T, long starting-to-gray beard & hair. Toby had to get a couple rounds of dialating drops (which he absolutely hates). Followed by having his eyes held open with small, well, eye openers (think the contraption used in the brainwashing scene in ā€œClockwork Orangeā€: for those of you whoā€™ve seen it). Followed by some bright lights shined into his eyes to check his retinal blood vessel growth. Needless to say, he enjoyed this not one bit, but it was over quickly (like I said, very good doctor) and he settled down immediately afterwards. Everything seems to be developing appropriately at this point, with another checkup due in four weeks. So, we receive Clean Bill of Health #2ā€¦

Stop number two: Dr. Quilnan for a followup on the outer ear infection Toby had when he came home with us. Five days of drops that he didnā€™t even really notice except for us having to turn his head to the side apparently took care of it, as a cursory inspection revealed. No followup was deemed necessary, so, Clean Bill of Health #3 is oursā€¦

And that wraps up his doctor appointments for the time being. Heā€™s due for a ā€˜Well Baby Checkupā€™ from Dr. Green in a couple weeks, the aforementioned eye checkup from Dr. Arkfeld, and a followup on his previously broken leg in a month. But so far, we have a perfectly healthy little babe!

Tobyā€™s Goings On

So, what else has he (and consequently, us) been up to?

First off, heā€™s decided it isnā€™t too bad to sleep on a flat surface, so heā€™s spent a bit of time in his crib, a bit more of his time in his playpen (which has a nice flat raised sleeping area), and very little time in his bouncer (aka the only place heā€™d sleep early on). Heā€™d probably be just fine in his crib whenever he sleeps, but we like having him in the playpen bed since itā€™s in our living room and thus closer to us than the crib. What can I say – I like him where I can check on him with just a glance!

Heā€™s gotten a bath or two, and finally, we have a naked baby picture:

Naked Toby!

He really enjoys his baths, except for the very last step, when we take him out and put him in a towel. Those few seconds between being enveloped in the water and being enveloped in the dry towel are guaranteed crabby time for him! šŸ˜‰

Heā€™s had a visitor or two (or 5) over the last week or so. Of course, the grandparents stop in now and then to ā€˜check on usā€™ (yeah, right, we know youā€™re there to play with the grandson, no use in lying!). Our good friend Mary stopped in Saturday night (of course, I forgot to snap a pic or two), and spent most of the afternoon/evening with us. She even watched over the little guy for an hour or two so that we could go out and have a nice dinner (it already feels odd to be away from him).

Outside of those few events, heā€™s mostly been sleeping, eating, or getting a little exercise with his ā€œBoppyā€: and hanging out with his friendly neighborhood turtle:

Toby and his turtle

Toby and his turtle

Toby chews on the Boppy

Toby just chillinā€™ [1]

Toby just chillinā€™ [2]

Toby just chillinā€™ [3]

Toby just chillinā€™ [4]

Toby just chillinā€™ [5]

Mom checks on a sleeping Toby

one hundred k and change?

ā€˜So, whatā€™s with the title of this post?ā€™ youā€™re asking youself. Earlier this week, we received a nice little itemized 21 page(!) bill of his first 44 days:

21 pages!

And the grand total?


And worth every penny!

Now the test of our insurance beginsā€¦

Miscellaneous POTD

and he arrives home

h4. Homeward Bound

At long last, Tobias makes his triumphant return home! Wednesday, Apri 21st, 5:30pm, after 44 long days, Mom, Dad, & Toby at long last leave the hospital bound for home, for good.

An agonizingly long car ride later, and we showed Toby his new digs. And he proceeded to show his displeasure by keeping us up all night fussing and crying and making us question our desire to ever have this little boy.

So, Wednesday/Thursday weren’t our best days (nights). Apparently he’s adjusted to his surroundings quickly though – the last few days have been getting easier and easier. Sleep & eat & change a diaper & sleep & eat & change a diaper etc. etc. Repeat. Throw in the occassional play time to make it all worthwhile. It’s hasn’t been the smoothest transition any of us has had, but it certainly is getting much better! It took us a couple days, but we’re definately starting to relax and enjoy him rather than just take care of him.

*edit*: reading that last bit afterwords makes it sound like it’s been pure hell – it definately hasn’t been *that* bad. It just felt like it at times! šŸ˜‰

h4. Visitors

Thankfully, we have an abundance of help nearby – both sets of grandparents, a brother and sister-in-law, multiple nieces, all within 20 miles of us. The grandmas have made a number of visits in an effort to reassure the new mom that she is going to be a wonderful mother (ok, and the new dad a bit too). Grandpa F’s dropped in a time or two to check on his potential future farmer. Lynn’s brother Gary stopped by to check on us (of course, I missed him entirely, being passed out at the time).

And me being me, I forget to take any pictures of our visitors with the little guy, finally remembering once with Grandma O…

p(images). !/images/11.jpg (Toby peeks at Grandma Oelkers 1)!:/images/10.jpg

p(images). !/images/13.jpg (Toby peeks at Grandma Oelkers 2)!:/images/12.jpg

p(images). !/images/8.jpg (Toby peeks at Grandma Oelkers 3)!:/images/9.jpg

h4. Feeding

Mom initially had grand plans to breastfeed the little guy. Unfortunately, Toby didn’t agree, and made it a very stressful experience for both Mom and himself. Were he full term and full strength, it might have been a different story. But alas, he wasn’t and isn’t…

So, we’ve decided to forego the torture to both of them and bottle feed him. Right now, he’s still getting expressed breast milk via his bottle, but eventually we’ll be switching him over to some type of formula. Needless to say, Mom and Toby both are much happier with the arrangement!

p(images). !/images/16.jpg (Mom gives Toby a bottle)!:/images/17.jpg

h4. Crib? What Crib?

He’s also decided to be a little stinker and refuses to sleep (for long periods of time anyway) in his beautiful new crib right now. Luckily, we happened to pick up a bouncer/bassinet for him while he was in the hospital, and he seems perfectly content to sleep in that for the time being. And damn if he isn’t the cutest thing… šŸ™‚

p(images). !/images/4.jpg (Toby checks out some toys)!:/images/5.jpg

p(images). !/images/14.jpg (Toby takes a nap 1)!:/images/15.jpg

p(images). !/images/18.jpg (Toby takes a nap 2)!:/images/19.jpg