
visitors galore & wanderings

h3. 16 days?

Sheesh, sorry about that, sixteen days without an update. Horribly inconsiderate of me. In my defense, we’ve had our share of visitors keeping us occupied!

h3. Great Aunt Sharon

First off, my aunt Sharon came up to look in on the little guy (and us too)…

!/images/44t.jpg (Toby and Great Aunt Sharon)!:/images/44.jpg

!/images/43t.jpg (Toby and Great Aunt Sharon check out his new blankie)!:/images/43.jpg

h3. Aunt Lori

Then my sister Lori shows up in town and holds him for, oh, three days straight! (Beware Mitch!) 😉

!/images/49t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/49.jpg

!/images/48t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/48.jpg

!/images/47t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/47.jpg

!/images/46.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!

!/images/45t.jpg (Lori and Toby – one of many)!:/images/45.jpg

h3. Roadtrip

Sunday the 9th we loaded him up for his first official non-doctor-related outing, and headed off to Dodge and Grandma & Grandpa Faltin’s place for way too much food. While there, we had some cake & ice cream to celebrate Lynn & Grandpa F’s birthdays.

Again, he was held all day, by a variety of people – Great Aunt Sharon, Grandpa & Grandma Oelkers made an appearance as well, so there was no shortage of Toby-holders.

And finally, the nieces got to see their new nephew up close and personal. Though I’m not too sure if niece Cameron appreciated all the attention he received!

It was good to get everyone out and about finally; we were starting to get a little cabin fever!

!/images/36t.jpg (Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron check out Toby)!:/images/36.jpg

!/images/37t.jpg (Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron check out Toby)!:/images/37.jpg

!/images/38t.jpg (Mom watching Uncle Gary and Niece Cameron checking out Toby)!:/images/38.jpg

!/images/39t.jpg (Aunt Lynette with Nieces Ashley & Taylor)!:/images/39.jpg

!/images/54t.jpg (Taylor, Lynette and Toby)!:/images/54.jpg

h3. Spoiled

Needless to say, all this holding is spoiling our little Toby – he now seems to think he needs to be held constantly (_ok, slight exaggeration_)! Of course, we’re more than willing to oblige him – for now! 😉

h3. New Look

And in case you didn’t notice (blind, are we?), the new look for “”: is now live. It was just a little too plain before for my tastes. Let me know if anything goes screwy for you and I’ll see if I can fix it!