h4. More Visitors
Sunday the 18th Toby had a few more visitors – Grandma and Grandpa Oelkers stopped in to check on the little guy. Grandpa O somehow made it through another tax season (you people work crazy hours) and finally fought off his every-tax-season nasty cold, and got to check out the newest addition to the Oelkers gene pool.
p(images). !/images/tobyandgrandpaoelkers_sm.jpg(Grandpa O & his grandson)!:/images/tobyandgrandpaoelkers_lg.jpg
p(images). !/images/tobyandgrandpaoelkers2_sm.jpg(Is that the start of a widow’s peak I see?)!:/images/tobyandgrandpaoelkers2_lg.jpg
h4. Just Some Cute Pics
As he’s gotten more mature, he’s also gotten more, well, interactive. Instead of sleeping almost all the time, now he occassionally feels the need just to look around. And Dad can’t help but harrass the little cutie when he notices…
p(images). !/images/tobycute1_sm.jpg(Who’s that I see awake?)!:/images/tobycute1_lg.jpg
p(images). !/images/tobycute2_sm.jpg(Dad goes in for a little harrassment)!:/images/tobycute2_lg.jpg
p(images). !/images/tobycute3_sm.jpg(Pucker Face Toby)!:/images/tobycute3_lg.jpg
p(images). !/images/tobycute4_sm.jpg(More Pucker Face Toby)!:/images/tobycute4_lg.jpg
h4. Big News
And the big news? At long last, our little one’s making the trip home! We haven’t been filled in on the exact day, but sometime between Wednesday and Friday has been mentioned several times by several people. It’s basically dependent on how his weight gain goes – if it’s up steadily when they check, it’ll be sooner; if it’s a little slower going up, could be a little later. Either way, it certainly isn’t going to be long!
Other (related) news: no more feeding tube as of today… 🙂 He’s basically on-demand feeding now, eating whenever he wants. Mind you, if he decides to go too long without eating (four hours, specifically), we’re to wake him and make sure he eats, but so far that hasn’t become an issue as far as I know (Dad stayed in West Point today attempting to ready the apartment for his imminent arrival, so all this is second hand info from Mom, but she’s a fairly good reporter!).
So, it’s time to be actual full-time parents. And, what do you know, I’m much more excited now than anxious… I think we’ll all be just fine! 🙂