
POTD(M?): Some more random older ones

Y’all need to harass me more and I won’t make you wait a month (or almost two) for a new pic or two… 😉

Here’s a quick foursome while posting is in my head – enjoy, and more to come!

!/images/134t.jpg (Talking to the Baby in the Mirror)!:/images/134.jpg

[08/30/2004]Toby talking to the Baby in the Mirror

!/images/135t.jpg (Wake Up Daddy!)!:/images/135.jpg

[09/05/04] Wake Up Daddy!

!/images/136t.jpg (Jester Toby #1)!:/images/136.jpg

[09/24/04] Jester Toby #1

!/images/137t.jpg (Jester Toby #2)!:/images/137.jpg

[09/24/04] Jester Toby #2


POTD: just some cute ones

Just over seven days, just under seven pictures; that’ll work… 😉

Here’s a few random pics I’ve been meaning to put up, no particular order, but with the cutest little star in all of ’em!

h3. Baptism Day – Later On

!/images/127t.jpg (Asleep on Cousin Ashley)!:/images/127.jpg

[07/11/04] Asleep on Cousin Ashley after his Baptism

!/images/128t.jpg (Asleep on Cousin Taylor)!:/images/128.jpg

[07/11/04] Asleep on Cousin Taylor after his Baptism

h3. A Sure Way to Get a Smile from Toby? Stand Over Him

!/images/129t.jpg (Smiling up at Dad)!:/images/129.jpg

[07/19/04] Smiling up at Dad #1

!/images/130t.jpg (Smiling up at Dad)!:/images/130.jpg

[07/19/04] Smiling up at Dad #2

h3. Psycho Baby 🙂

!/images/131t.jpg (Heeere’s Johnny!)!:/images/131.jpg

[07/27/04] Heeere’s Johnny!

h3. Just Cute

!/images/132t.jpg (Just being cute in white)!:/images/132.jpg

[08/06/04] Just being cute in white…

h3. Toby’s Awful Good at Injuring Himself

!/images/133t.jpg (Tough Guy)!:/images/133.jpg

[08/10/04] Tough Guy


POTD: Assorted Baptism

How about another group of pics from a long time ago? 😉 Someday I’ll catch up, I swear!

Let’s all check out Toby on the day of his Baptism, July 11th, 2004:

!/images/121t.jpg (Grandma and Grandpa F at the Baptism)!:/images/121.jpg

[07/11/04] Grandma & Grandpa Faltin after the Baptism

(Grandpa & Grandma Oelkers Baptism pic can be found in an “earlier post”:, if you’re thinking I missed them)

!/images/123t.jpg (Mom, Dad, Aunt Lori, Uncle Gary, & unknown priest [sorry, Dad’s very bad with names!])!:/images/123.jpg

[07/11/04] Mom, Dad, Aunt Lori, Uncle Gary, & nameless priest [sorry, Dad’s awful with names!]

!/images/122t.jpg (Your Baptism Sponsors)!:/images/122.jpg

[07/11/04] Your Baptism Sponsors: Aunt Lori & Uncle Gary

!/images/124t.jpg (Decked Out In White [1])!:/images/124.jpg

[07/11/04] All Decked Out in White #1

!/images/125t.jpg (Decked Out In White [2])!:/images/125.jpg

[07/11/04] All Decked Out in White #3

!/images/126t.jpg (Decked Out In White [3])!:/images/126.jpg

[07/11/04] All Decked Out in White #3


POTD: Omundson Family Reunion 2004

Well imagine that – I haven’t posted in what, 3 weeks? How utterly, um, consistent… 😉

Well, to make up (and to start to pick away at the back log of images), how about a big ol’ group of pics from the Omundson Family Reunion all the way back on July 4th, 2004. My apologies to those dialup users in the audience! It’s worth the wait – of course, I may be just a tad biased!

So, without furthur ado, and in no particular order…

!/images/109t.jpg (Great Grandpa Oelkers and Dad with Toby no. 1)!:/images/109.jpg

Great Grandpa Oelkers and Dad with Toby no. 1

!/images/110t.jpg (Great Grandpa Oelkers and Dad with Toby no. 2)!:/images/110.jpg

Great Grandpa Oelkers and Dad with Toby no. 2

!/images/111t.jpg (Great-Grandpa Oelkers and Toby)!:/images/111.jpg

Great-Grandpa Oelkers and Toby

!/images/112t.jpg (Grandma, Dad, Aunt Lori [with Toby of course], Great-Grandpa Oelkers, and Uncle Ryan)!:/images/112.jpg

Grandma, Dad, Aunt Lori [with Toby of course], Great-Grandpa Oelkers, and Uncle Ryan

!/images/113t.jpg (Mom, Dad, Aunt Lori [again, with Toby], GreatGrandpa Oelkers, and Uncle Ryan)!:/images/113.jpg

Mom, Dad, Aunt Lori [*again*, with Toby], GreatGrandpa Oelkers, and Uncle Ryan

!/images/114t.jpg (Grandma, Aunt Lori [guess who’s got Toby], Great-Grandpa Oelkers, and Uncle Ryan)!:/images/114.jpg

Grandma, Aunt Lori [guess who’s got Toby], Great-Grandpa Oelkers, and Uncle Ryan

!/images/115.jpg (Aunt Lori gives Toby a snack)!

Aunt Lori gives Toby a snack

!/images/116t.jpg (Aunt Lori and Uncle Ryan hang out with Toby)!:/images/116.jpg

Aunt Lori and Uncle Ryan hang out with Toby

!/images/117t.jpg (Aunt Lori and your future-bad-influence Uncle Ryan hangin’ with Toby)!:/images/117.jpg

Aunt Lori and your future-bad-influence Uncle Ryan hangin’ with Toby

!/images/118t.jpg (Dad, Aunt Lori, Great-Grandpa Omundson and Uncle Ryan)!:/images/118.jpg

Dad, Aunt Lori, Great-Grandpa Omundson and Uncle Ryan

!/images/119t.jpg (Great-Aunt Myrte checks out Toby)!:/images/119.jpg

Great-Aunt Myrte checks out Toby

!/images/120t.jpg (Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Myrte look in on their new relative)!:/images/120.jpg

Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Myrte look in on their new relative


six months

h3. Happy Birthday Toby!!!

Somehow, six months has already passed us by – everyone wish Toby a happy .5 year birthday!

!/images/106t.jpg (Happy .5 Birthday Toby!)!:/images/106.jpg

[09/08/04] Someone’s having a good birthday!

!/images/107t.jpg (Happy .5 Birthday Toby!)!:/images/107.jpg

[09/08/04] Happy Birthday from Mom!

!/images/108t.jpg (Happy .5 Birthday Toby!)!:/images/108.jpg

[09/08/04] And from a needing-a-shave-badly Daddy too!